Get To Know Me!

I am a full stack developer with experience in Ruby on Rails, Javascript, React, and Redux. I am constantly seeking oppurtunities to tackle new languages, frameworks, and most importantly, make my code DRY.

I currently work at the Genus Development Agency, a blockchain startup that will soon revolutionize the way investors invest in real estate projects!

When I'm not working on developing apps, I immerse myself in my other hobbies, that include, playing chess, dominating in Overwatch, or making sure my cat gets enough exercise.


  • Slacker's Row

    Designed a live chat experience where users can join private channels to converse. Users subscribe to channels using action-cables mounted on redis servers, hosted on Heroku. Implemented RESTful API from Rails backend to alter React virtual-DOM state changes.

    Live Github
  • Bool Online

    Web application that simulates the behavior of logic gates, designed to be a supplemental learning tool for computer architecture courses.

    Live Github
  • Light-Switch

    Learn how logic gates work with this interactive game! Following React paradigms such as one-way data flow, Pure Components

  • Mastermind

    Play mastermind, the hottest game on the web! React-Redux front-end, Firebase to store high scores, JS for game logic, Semantic-UI CSS

    Live Github
  • Crypto-Kitties Canvas

    View Information about the hottest crypto-kitties on the ethereum blockchain




App Academy - FullStack Development

Stony Brook University - B.S Computer Science